Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Roadmap for Service Broker

Two questions to the Katmai program:
We're considering Service Broker as messaging platform for our core business applications. But before we can decide, we'd like to see a roadmap for Service Broker. It's been hard to find. Can you provide one?

The monolog-feature is very critical, we need something to replace JMS' topic in our architecture. What's the plan for including monolog?


Unfortunately we are not building the monolog feature for Katmai. This is something we know is critical to our customers and is something we are looking at building in the release after Katmai.

In terms of roadmap we don't have any content I can send you but the basic set of things on our roadmap are, Monolog, SQL CE support, and better integration with of MS technologies, such as WCF, etc...

I would be interested in hearing more about your requirements. Please follow up with me directly at and we can discuss them in more detail.

Rick Negrin

Program Manager

SQL Server

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