Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Rewriting Insert Statements

Hi Friends,
I have the following set of Insert Statements that calculates sums for various criteria and inserts a row at a time onto my table.
I have a row for every month starting from January with sums for 4 severity levels. So for 12 months that would be 48 Insert Statements and if I want to do this for 4 different types of [EName] that would be 48 * 4 = 192 Insert Statements. Is there a better way to write this. Thanks for your help

INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_Ticket ([EName], TrendMonth, [Severity Level], [Count])
SELECT 'OVERALL' AS [EName], DATENAME(MONTH, '1/1/06') AS TrendMonth, 1 , Sum([Count])
FROM dbo.tbl_Ticket
WHERE (TrendMonth LIKE 'January' and [Severity Level] = 1)

INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_Ticket ([EName], TrendMonth, [Severity Level], [Count])
SELECT 'OVERALL' AS [EName], DATENAME(MONTH, '1/1/06') AS TrendMonth, 2 , Sum([Count])
FROM dbo.tbl_Ticket
WHERE (TrendMonth LIKE 'January' and [Severity Level] = 2)

INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_Ticket ([EName], TrendMonth, [Severity Level], [Count])
SELECT 'OVERALL' AS [EName], DATENAME(MONTH, '1/1/06') AS TrendMonth, 3 , Sum([Count])
FROM dbo.tbl_Ticket
WHERE (TrendMonth LIKE 'January' and [Severity Level] = 3)

INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_Ticket ([EName], TrendMonth, [Severity Level], [Count])
SELECT 'OVERALL' AS [EName], DATENAME(MONTH, '1/1/06') AS TrendMonth, 4 , Sum([Count])
FROM dbo.tbl_Ticket
WHERE (TrendMonth LIKE 'January' and [Severity Level] = 4)

INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_Ticket ([EName], TrendMonth, [Severity Level], [Count])
SELECT 'OVERALL' AS [EName], DATENAME(MONTH, '2/1/06') AS TrendMonth, 1 , Sum([Count])
FROM dbo.tbl_Ticket
WHERE (TrendMonth LIKE 'February' and [Severity Level] = 1)

INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_Ticket ([EName], TrendMonth, [Severity Level], [Count])
SELECT 'OVERALL' AS [EName], DATENAME(MONTH, '2/1/06') AS TrendMonth, 2 , Sum([Count])
FROM dbo.tbl_Ticket
WHERE (TrendMonth LIKE 'February' and [Severity Level] = 2)

INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_Ticket ([EName], TrendMonth, [Severity Level], [Count])
SELECT 'OVERALL' AS [EName], DATENAME(MONTH, '2/1/06') AS TrendMonth, 3 , Sum([Count])
FROM dbo.tbl_Ticket
WHERE (TrendMonth LIKE 'February' and [Severity Level] = 3)

INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_Ticket ([EName], TrendMonth, [Severity Level], [Count])
SELECT 'OVERALL' AS [EName], DATENAME(MONTH, '2/1/06') AS TrendMonth, 4 , Sum([Count])
FROM dbo.tbl_Ticket
WHERE (TrendMonth LIKE 'February' and [Severity Level] = 4)Maybe something along the lines of

SELECT 'OVERALL' AS [EName], trendmonth AS TrendMonth, SeverityLevel , Sum([Count])
FROM dbo.tbl_Ticket
group by EName, Trendmonth, SeverityLevel|||Works Great!! Thank you very much.

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