Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Returning the entered date

My question might be stupid but How to retrieve records for a date that I would like to determine?

Means I would like to have a parameter where I can enter the date I want to retrieve my records.

At the beginning I had it set up as: Between [Beginning Date] And [Ending Date]. Now I just want One parameter

Thanks for your helpHi
I am not sure if I fully understand your question.
you could do something like

select orderid, ordername from ordertable where dt_ordered = to_date('DATE_REQUIRED','YYYY/MM/DD');

Make sure DATE REQUIRED is of the format 'YYYY/MM/DD'.
Thanx and Regards
Aruneesh|||I want SQL to retrieve all the records to the corresponding date that I'll enter.

Means I'll have one pop up parameter where I enter the date I want.

I have a already one pop up parameter in my SQL statement for country which is: Like [Country:].
When I run my query a parameter pop up and I return the country I want.

I would like to do the same thing with the Date. Having a parameter where I enter the date I want.

Thanks|||I wanted to get some clarification on the scenario.
I dont under what popup you are mentioning here.

Are you anyway using VB to link it to some DB.
Please clarify the popup portion.
Thanx and Regards
Aruneesh|||The pop portion is just a parameter that pops up when you run your query.

In access your query can be presented in 3 ways: Design View, Table View and SQL view.

I'm working out of the Design view and when you specify a parameter in the criteria part of a field, it will pop up as a parameter when you run your Table view.

Anyway I found the solution. For the date and to return the date that you want on your parameter you just set the criteria as this:
Like [Date:] in your date field. In SQL it's translated like this:
WHERE Table.OrderDate = [Date:]

And now I bumped into another issue:
How to return the text that I want in my parameter. Means I want to look for a word in the whole title and the query will run the companies that contain that word.
I don't want to specify the word in my SQL statement I want to leave it open like I've done above for the date. (I'm working out of Access Database)

Thanks for the help

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